Coming up next

A weekend with Urban Forage in the Secret Garden

Explore the world of Wild Food with masterchef Christian Amys from Urban Forage. Choose from foraging walks, wild pizzas or elegant afternoon tea!

Toddler and mum crafting insect and bird feeders at Carey’s during a weekly parent and toddler group, enjoying a hands-on, nature-inspired activity in a peaceful outdoor setting.

Weekly Parent & Toddler Group

Hosted by 'Wildly Kind' 

Friday Morning Sessions include lots of fun for grown-ups and little ones; including: Welcome Circle within the Walled Garden: Introductions, safety chat, sing songs, and read the story/set the theme for the day. Woodland: ‘Go find’ - An activity related to the story/theme of the day, a good way to encourage exploring the woodland, and free play. Crafts relating to the theme and a Fire Circle with songs and stories.